Tamalpais CrossFit WOD March 22 2018
tamcross2018-03-21T20:39:19-08:00Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2 Then: 5 RDNS on a 3:00 clock 15/12 c row 8 BB Thrusters 8 KBSDHP 53/35
Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2 Then: 5 RDNS on a 3:00 clock 15/12 c row 8 BB Thrusters 8 KBSDHP 53/35
OTM for 7- working on technique build as heavy as technique will allow 1 Hang P. Snatch 1 Hang Snatch 1 Snatch _________ 7 RNDS [...]
10 rounds 3 HSPU 5 Burpee 7 Pull Ups 25 Double Unders
14 Min AMRAP 800 M Run in the remaining time, 2-4-6-8-10-12…. Push Ups Box Jumps 24/20 Air Squats Jumping Step Up 24/20 Sit Ups
From CFNE 5 Rounds on a 3:00 Clock: 300/250 Meter Row 20 Wall balls (20/14) *Females to a 9′ Target Score for the day is [...]
3 RNDS NFT 10 SL Box Squats 10 FR Step Ups 10 Hip Ext THEN: 3 RNDS 400 M Run 500 M Row 3 Min [...]
Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2 THEN: 6 RNDS 5 DB P. Press 50/35 5 DB HPC 50/35 10 DB Deadlift 50/35 200 run
Muscle Up Progression Part II THEN: 3 RNDS at each station :40s work, :20 s recovery Row for Cal T2B Jumping BB B Squats Airdyne [...]
Split Jerk off Racks- for technique, building to a heavy 3 THEN: 30-20-10 KBS 53/35 SA KB P Press (½ each arm each round) Box [...]
800 M Row 30 KBS 53/35 40 Burpee 50 DB RDL 50/35 60 Wall Ball 20/14 70 Walking Lunges 800 m Run