Strong As A Bear VI Partner Competition
tamcross2018-05-16T09:15:12-08:00Strong As A Bear VI Partner Competition will be on Sunday, July 1st at Tamalpais CrossFit from 8am-3pm. Categories are: Female + Female- Scaled/Masters/RX Male [...]
Strong As A Bear VI Partner Competition will be on Sunday, July 1st at Tamalpais CrossFit from 8am-3pm. Categories are: Female + Female- Scaled/Masters/RX Male [...]
10-15 min Handstand Work THEN: 20 reps of: Thruster 95/65 SDHP 95/65 Push Press 95/65 OHS 95/65 Front Squat 95/65 at the top of ea [...]
Muscle Up Progression #3 THEN, from CFNE AMRAP 15: 60 Double-Unders 30 Wall balls 20/14 15 Deadlifts 245/165
20 reps of each done in any order: DB Push Press 50/35 Hip Ext DB BOR 50/35 DB Front Squat 50/35 T2Bar DB Push Ups [...]
Partner WOD- 2 people working at a time- complete in any order: 2000 M Row 200 KBS 200 Sit Ups 200 Dbl Unders 10- 200 [...]
3 Sets NFT: 14 Barbell Front Rack Step-Ups (add weight if appropriate) Max Strict Pull-Ups Max Dumbbell Pushups THEN: 400 M Run 21 Front [...]
Muscle Up Progression #3 THEN: OTM for 12 1 Hang Snatch from SLO 1 Snatch 1 OHS 12 DBL Unders or 12 Plate Jumps aim [...]
warm up with 3 rnds NFT: :40s AD :40s Battle Rope :40s Keg Toss THEN: Baseline 500 M Row 40 Air Squats 30 Sit Ups [...]
week 2- Strict Press 6 r x 4 sets aim for 63-65% 1 rm once you are done with your 4 sets, take the barbell [...]
From CrossFit Linchpin 400m run 15 Clean & Jerks 135/95 3 Rope Climbs, 15 ft 400m run 12 Clean & Jerks 2 Rope Climbs 400m [...]