Tamalpais CrossFit WOD May 20 2024
meshelle mifsud2024-05-19T11:44:29-08:00Establish a Heavy Single Front Squat MURPH PREP - 2x800m Run -rest 2:00 after each set- -into- 3 Sets: 20 Pull-ups 40 Push-ups 60 Air [...]
Establish a Heavy Single Front Squat MURPH PREP - 2x800m Run -rest 2:00 after each set- -into- 3 Sets: 20 Pull-ups 40 Push-ups 60 Air [...]
GRIZZLY- 100 Wallballs 14/20 75/100 Calorie Row 50 Box Jumps 20/24 25 Devil’s Press 35/50 M25/40 KODIAK-100 Wallballs 10/14 75/100 Calorie Row 50 Box Jumps [...]
GRIZZLY/KODIAK-0:00-4:00- 800m Run -4:00-8:00- Build to a Heavy 2 Power Snatch -8:00-12:00- 800m Run POLAR-0:00-4:00- 500m Run -4:00-8:00- 15 Light/Moderate Power Snatch -8:00-12:00- 500m Run [...]
GRIZZLY- 3 sets: 3 Rounds 10 Bench Press 85/135 M65/105 20 Bent Over Banded Rows -rest 1:1 between sets- KODIAK- 3 sets: 3 Rounds 10 [...]
GRIZZLY- In 15:00 1750/2000m Row -in the remaining time, build to Heavy Single Clean and Jerk KODIAK- In 15:00 1500/1750m Row -in the remaining time, [...]
Handstand walk skill work! GRIZZLY- Women 34-24-14 Men- 42-30-18 Calorie Air Bike Burpees to Plate KODIAK- Women-30-20-14 Men-36-24-16 Calorie Air Bike 36-24-16 Burpees to Plate [...]
GRIZZLY- "Barbara" 5 sets: 20 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 50 Air Squats -rest 3:00 between sets- KODIAK- 5 sets: 15 Pull [...]
GRIZZLY- 40-20-10 Alternating DB Snatches 35/50 M25/40 Toes-to-Bar KODIAK- 40-20-10 Alt Dumbbell Snatches 25/35 M20/30 Knees to Elbows POLAR- 30-20-10 Alt Hang Dumbbell Snatches (light) [...]
GRIZZLY- 100/120 Calorie Row 80 Bench Press 75/115 M65/95 40 Box Jump Overs 20/24 KODIAK- 80/100 Calorie Row 80 Bench Press 65/95 M55/85 40 Box [...]
Every 1:00 (5:00) 5 Power Cleans (50-55%) (Singles) -rest 1:00- Every 1:00 (5:00) 3 Power Cleans (60-65%)(Singles) -rest 1:00- Every 30 seconds (5:00) 1 Power [...]