Tamalpais CrossFit WOD February 22 2018
tamcross2018-02-21T18:24:55-08:002018 CF Open is coming! 18.1 will be announced TODAY! There are many options to choose from... scaled, RX and many masters categories. Register here [...]
2018 CF Open is coming! 18.1 will be announced TODAY! There are many options to choose from... scaled, RX and many masters categories. Register here [...]
2018 CF Open is coming! 18.1 will be announced on Thursday! There are many options to choose from... scaled, RX and many masters categories. Register [...]
2018 CF Open is coming! 18.1 will be announced on Thursday! There are many options to choose from... scaled, RX and many masters categories. Register [...]
Mid-line Stability 2 RNDS 10 V-Ups +10 Alt V- Ups 20 Glute Bridges with Hip Circle on 30s Prone Hold on GHD 30s HS Hold [...]
Bench Mark Friday "Barbara" 5 rounds 20 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Sit-Ups 50 Air Squats 3:00 min Rest or Barbie 5 rounds 10 [...]
4 rounds 2- 15’ rope climbs 200 meter run 10 Burpee rest as needed ________________ 5 rounds 200 meter Row 2 min rest
5 rounds Sled push down & back 7 BW Bench Press 9 TTB 15 KBSDHP 53/35 ___________________ Tabata Hollow Rock Plank Alternate between movements for [...]
Midline Stability-2 RNDS 10 V-Ups +10 Alt V- Ups 10 Bird Dog 15 Glute Bridges 20s Supine Hold on GHD 30s Superman rest 2 min [...]
CFO 17.5 10 Rounds 9 Thrusters 95/65 35 Double under _________________ 1 Mile run NFT
3 RNDS of Midline Stability 10 V-Ups +10 Alt V- Ups 20 Glute Bridges 30s Supine (hip ext) Hold on GHD 30s Superman rest 2 [...]