Tamalpais CrossFit WOD July 10 2018
tamcross2018-07-09T18:36:44-08:002 RNDS- 8 ea leg SL KB DL alt with 8 SL Squats off box THEN: 3 RNDS 10 Deadlifts 225/165 20 T2B 30 [...]
2 RNDS- 8 ea leg SL KB DL alt with 8 SL Squats off box THEN: 3 RNDS 10 Deadlifts 225/165 20 T2B 30 [...]
Inverted/HS work: Tripod Headstand HS Then: 2 Rnds 1000 M Run 15 Reps in any order: HSPU/P2P/ Box HSPU/Strict Press GHD Sit Up/AB Matt Sit [...]
10 Burpee 3 BB Complex 95/65 20 Sprawl 3 BB Complex 95/65 30 Slam Ball 3 BB Complex 95/65 40 Wall Ball 20/14 3 BB [...]
week 1 Back Squats 20 reps@55% THEN: 24*-18*-12* DB Renegade Row 45/30 DB P. Snatch DB Floor Press *8 DB Burpee AFTER each
4th of July Schedule- 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM & 10:30 AM classes. Patton 25 Deadlifts (155/105 lb) 400 meter Run 10 Strict Pull-Ups 10 Clean-and-Jerks [...]
4th of July Schedule- 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM & 10:30 AM classes. Pull Up Work- 3 rnds at the reps of your choice choose appropriately: [...]
8 SL KB DL 8 SL Squats on box THEN:OTM for 12 10 DBL Unders 5 Thrusters - increase load as able Then: 20 Reps [...]
SAAB WODs have been announced, check out FB or insta- Registration is open till Friday at 12 noon: https://www.wodrocket.com/event/details/3495/Strong-As-A-Bear-VI-in-San-Rafael-California-United-States?source=search_events&source_area=search_results No Open Gym or Weightlifting on [...]
SAAB WODs have been announced, check out FB or insta- Registration is open till Friday at 12 noon: https://www.wodrocket.com/event/details/3495/Strong-As-A-Bear-VI-in-San-Rafael-California-United-States?source=search_events&source_area=search_results :40s on- :20 s off- [...]
SAAB WODs have been announced, check out FB or insta- Registration is open till Friday at 12 noon: https://www.wodrocket.com/event/details/3495/Strong-As-A-Bear-VI-in-San-Rafael-California-United-States?source=search_events&source_area=search_results 1 RM Push Press- time to [...]